Leadership and Diversity: Making the Most of the Mix

Most people know that diversity in their organizations is important. That is, most people have a vague sense that more diversity on their teams would lead to more innovation, higher creativity, stronger engagement, etc. But did you also know that more diversity leads to increased revenue, EBITA, Return on Equity, and a host of other standard business performance metrics? Diversity is good.
Our challenge is not in the knowing. Our challenge is in the knowing what to do.
I have recently begun collaborating with a leader in the world of Diversity and Inclusion. We decided to work together when we realized that we were both on the same mission: make the world more inclusive and a better place to work.
Rebekah and I have put together some workshops that show the power of diversity and inclusion in a fresh light. We go beyond diversity as ethnicity and gender, and help teams unleash creativity and innovation by leveraging diverse ways of thinking and working.
Our approach —and workshops and labs — are aimed at giving leaders a new way of thinking about diversity and inclusion, a way that enhances their leadership while fostering innovation and creativity. The end goal is to help organizations become more effective and more vibrant. The response to date has been overwhelmingly positive.
Learn more:
Diversity and inclusion are integral to great leadership teams and vibrant organizations. Take a moment to look at the workshop page, or download the flyer below and begin to explore how you can expand your leadership capabilities today.

An overview for the workshop on Leadership and Diversity offered by Rebekah Steele and Heather Hollick.
Category: Events | Tagged: Diversity, Leadership
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About Heather
Heather Hollick has been helping others become better leaders and craft more meaningful careers for more than 25 years. Her experience spans both business and technology, operations and organizational development. Oh, and she was born in Canada, so she can't help but be helpful. 😉